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Case Study - Chingford  C of E Primary school 

Chingford School which is situated in London contacted Roberts Audio due to having a major problem with  sound reverberation within their school hall. 


Over the summer of 2020 a team from Roberts Audio carried out an installation which involved fitting 24 cloud absorbers. Manufactured by the Woolly Shepherd Ltd, these clouds were specifically made in three main colours making the space not just sound better but has now improved the hall aesthetically. 


This has made a massive difference to the environment, creating a more comfortable area for all staff and students to be in by dampening the sound issue that they had previously.   

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Photo 18-08-2020, 14 07 47.jpg
Photo 18-08-2020, 14 06 51-2.jpg
   The Keep, Creech Castle, Bathpool, TA1 2DX
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