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Case Study - Holway Primary School

One of the Teachers of the Deaf who work and supports RAS approached the acoustic team to see if treatment could be supplied and installed in a nursery within Holway primary school. This was due to the area having reverberation issues.


However there was a little issue, the suspended clouds which were recommended to solve the issue of poor sound could not be fixed directly to the ceiling due to traces of asbestos within the Artex finish on the ceiling. 


The acoustic team came up with a solution where the clouds were suspended from a series of thin metal cables which where fixed from wall-to-wall. This solved both the problem of reverberation within the room along side the fact of not being able to fix any of the clouds to the ceiling.


If you look closely to the following pictures you maybe just be able the cables. 

Photo 03-08-2022, 15 05 42.jpg
Photo 03-08-2022, 15 05 56.jpg
Photo 03-08-2022, 15 09 19.jpg
Photo 03-08-2022, 15 10 10.jpg
Photo 03-08-2022, 15 06 09.jpg
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